Document ( Default: Title: STXT: The Book Navigation: Previous: Previous (10-stxt-now) Metadata: Title: Final Poetry of the STxT Book Description: We close the STxT book with a poetic ending. A good ending for a good book. Author: Joan Costa Mombiela last modif: 2013-03-01 Preamble: # Here ends the first book on STxT and the wars between technologies. # Here ends the first book on STxT and the wars between languages. # - I don’t like the word ‘war’. So, I’m removing it from the two previous endings. # Here ends the first book on STxT and the new discovery of languages. # - Better than before... but perhaps I need something more impactful. Here ends the second book on STxT and the rebirth of languages. # Now, yes. This is a good ending :-D